We believe in connecting individuals with the power of mother nature as much as possible.
This alleviates stress on your body and calms and elevates your soul.
At Blue Lake Botanicals, we are committed to providing you with the best skincare, tea, and wellness products on the market. Our products are made in small batches to ensure their integrity and quality. Every step in the process is taken with great care and respect to infuse the products with the best ingredients and positive intentions for health and wellness.
We take pride in using healthy and fresh ingredients that bring a bit of nature into your life. Our aim is to support mind, body, and spirit by bringing the energetic and aromatic gifts of the plants to you. We use organic plants and oils as much as possible and look for local and sustainable suppliers.
We believe your life is better when it is free of harmful chemical additives and artificial fragrances. Blue Lake Botanicals products are safe alternatives for individuals with sensitivities. Many individuals are sensitive to fragrances due to the toxic preservative ingredients in the products. All Blue Lake Botanicals products are naturally infused with high-quality essential oils, or directly from natural plants grown in Lynn's garden, providing a light aroma and botanical benefits.
Blue Lake Botanicals is woman-owned, and we strive to be a part of supporting the health of our mother earth. We pay more for sustainable organic and free trade ingredients. We support small growers and makers with the same values. Each of our products is made with positive intention, as we believe in a culture that encourages wellness, community, and cooperation. We are always striving to grow in this area.
We’ve carefully crafted each item with botanicals to pack your skin and body with essential nutrients for ultimate health and vitality. In addition to our line of products, we partner with other small businesses that have the same core values as us.

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